Monday, June 25, 2007

Zinnias & Guacamole

This spring we started to build a flower bed out front. Last fall we received a note from the HOA that our bushes needed to be trimmed. Not taking to this kindly we removed the azaleas and put them out back and installed a lovely black plastic pipe to pull the water away from our foundation. We also managed to acquire a large quantity of dirt which graced our front yard all winter. Back in April we finally got around to building the flower bed to cover the plastic pipe.

Frube prepping the ground (lots of weeds)

In progress, you can see the lovely black plastic pipe & pile-o-dirt. After all the flooding last year we are hoping we won't have any water problems come September.

The finished planter, you can see the 3 pots we installed into the planter. While pressure treated timbers last forever, we didn't want to risk eating those pesticides in the herbs I hope to harvest from the bed.

I planted a variety of zinnias & lavender in the bed itself. I have recently planted rosemary & tomatoes in the 3 pots.

The flowers on Saturday (there are even more today). I had to replant almost every plant because not all the seeds came up and there were weird distributions of plants. The lavender is teeny tiny, hopefully next year they will look better.

On Saturday afternoon Chris was spending some time outside enjoying the weather and our neighbor offered him a plate of handmade goodness (steak, coleslaw, guacamole, pico de gaillo & rice). Since they only speak Spanish & we don't it has been tough have a relationship with them. This was the first time we have ever had any sort of contact in 3 years. So to thank them for the food I picked them a little bouquet. He came over and gave us a 2nd larger plate of food...needless to say, we were stuffed.

1 comment:

gamineski said...

Wow! You have a green thumb! How nice to come home to beautiful flowers everyday. I envy the in AZ we have some flowers that grow in the desert besides the cacti blooms, vincas are the only colors I have in my garden.