Monday, August 13, 2007

Parlez Vous Le Francais?

I have been loving Flight of the Conchords. Best Novelty Folk Duo Ever! But this is one of their best bits in my opinion.

Yesterday at work I was teaching my coworkers French & they were teaching me Spanish. My skills are a bit rough since I haven't been speaking it and I am too embarrassed to use it in front of family cause I have forgotten everything. Going over verb conjugation has been difficult, especially since I haven't done it in 10 years and I was never very good at it anyway.

But I did exchange one very useful phrase. In French you say, "Ou es le W.C.". In Spanish, "Donde esta el bano".


1 comment:

gamineski said...

Ma chere Monique,
Je suis ravis que tu pratique ton francais! C'est ton heritage! Bravo.